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Adding Vendors and Coaches
Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over a year ago

Add a Vendor

Adding vendors allow outside companies to create engagements with you. There are two types of vendors that you can connect with:

  1. Independent Coach: A coach who runs their own individual engagements.

  2. Coaching Company: A company that offers multiple coaches.

How to add Vendors

  • From the Vendors page click Create New.

  • Select from Independent Coach or External Vendor.

  • Fill out the steps for the vendor information .

  • Click Add.

Requesting and Suggesting Coaches

When you have connected with a vendor company they may choose to share their coaches with you or you may request and suggest coaches.
How to Request a Coach

  • From the vendors page select a Vendor Company.

  • From the company page select the Coaches tab.

  • Click Request Coach.

  • Type in a coach’s email address.

  • If the coach is found in the system, select the coach and click Request.

If you are requesting an active coach from an active vendor company the request will automatically approve.

  • If the system doesn’t find the coach you may fill in their email and name to suggest the coach to the active vendor company.

If a vendor shares a coach with your company, you will then be prompted to approve the coach.

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