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Group Coaching Early Access
Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over 6 months ago

Thank you for your participation in using the group coaching feature on the platform as a lighthouse customer. We appreciate your expertise and feedback as this exciting new feature comes to life.

The group coaching feature focuses on the scale of having a cohort of coachees, and potentially multiple coaches. There is a lot of power and flexibility in the toolset to provide a consistent and easy to use application for administrators, coaches, and coachees.

General availability for group coaching is October 7th. Until that time some features are still being polished, and bugs might be found. We are doing our best to avoid any issues, by focusing on the most important features to allow you to have a smooth experience.

This document tracks known deficiencies in features, as well as known bugs. It may not be exhaustive. The intent is to keep you informed of these areas so that you have better insight into what may be a bug, or what may be coming in terms of feature expansion.

Features In Development

The following features are in development and will be released within the month of September, 2024.

  • Goals: Goals are being upgraded to include shared and individuals goals, and will be delivered in the first week of September

  • Aggregate Notifications for Tasks and Ratings: To avoid coaches and administrators being flooded with notifications, new aggregated digests will be delivered. This is planned for late September.

  • Analytics Tab:

    • Improved visualizations for group and 1:1 sessions

    • Session rating changing from trend lines to aggregated bar charts

  • Analytics Progress Table Export: The program progress table will have an export feature.

  • Sample Templates: Sample engagement templates will be offered for group/team coaching engagements.

Enhancements to Existing Features

Features may be integrated, but require some additional tuning for a group or team coaching engagement. Below are some notable areas.

  • Engagement Form Header To Include Multiple Coaches: Form headers include the coachee and coach information, this is expanding for multiple coaches.

  • Additional Help Context/Banners/Dialogs: Additional help context is being added throughout the workflows.

  • Coach Permissions for Group Sessions: Group sessions that have multiple coaches will limit the permissions for coaches.

  • Engagement Template Meta Data: Engagement templates will show group session as well as 1:1 session info.

  • Program Item Pagination: Pagination is being enhanced to allow for easy scroll within longer programs.

  • Bulk Edit: There are only minor changes for Bulk Edit to support group coaching engagements.

  • Engagement Overview - Admin view for sessions will be represented as a table instead of cards

Bugs or Functionality Issues

Our product team tracks and resolves issues, and the fixes are shipped weekly.

  • Tasks missing 'Resend' option

  • Tasks missing 'Unassign' option

  • Performance delay in adding and removing participants from an engagement

  • Participants page 'Add Coach' dialog shows coaches who are already participants

  • Analytics tab - 1:1 session not counted in session visualizations.

  • Overview Page - Session cards missing user's avatars

  • Dashboard - Session cards missing 'Mark Complete' option

  • Engagement Page - Group engagement sorting issues with multiple coaches/coachess

  • Coaches Tab - does not show group engagements in the KPIs for the coach.

  • Group Sessions - Coachees have the ability to schedule the session

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