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Release Notes April 2, 2024 - Engagement Nudges, Custom Fields
Release Notes April 2, 2024 - Engagement Nudges, Custom Fields
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Written by Admin
Updated over 11 months ago

There are some very meaningful moves happening in the platform with new features that can significantly improve workflows for administrators and coaches. These tools can act like a conductor in an orchestra bringing the strings, brass, and winds together in harmony. A new feature called "engagement progress tracking and nudges" will synchronize the coachee, coach, and administrator when engagements are falling behind, or become off track. Also, a new feature called "custom fields" provide a new way to store data with engagements, and can act as glue to provide information share across engagement stakeholders, and contribute to limitless insights in reporting. This is truly powerful release that expands the platforms capabilities significantly.

In This Release:

Engagement Progress Tracking & Nudges

One of the primary requests for enhancements from administrators and coaches revolves around tools designed to maintain the momentum of engagements. The introduction of engagement progress tracking & nudges is a new addition to the platform.

Engagement progress tracking enables the reporting of engagements that may be veering off-course and sends timely notifications to the coachee, coach, and administrator. Also, the on/off track status is displayed on the Engagements page, as well as Engagements Report. This ensures everyone remains informed, facilitating prompt action to steer an engagement back on track.

This feature can be configured in Engagement Templates or within the Engagement Settings, allowing for different settings per program. Engagement progress tracking provides a huge time savings for administrators and keeps everyone in sync.

For details of how to use engagement progress tracking and nudges, please see the user guide found by following the link below.

Custom Fields

Imagine being able to assign your own data, any data, to things like clients, engagements, or even coaches. Custom fields are user-defined data fields that allow individuals or organizations to capture specific information in that is tailored to their needs. Custom fields are truly massive in terms of creating new opportunities. Now, data from other systems can be bridged with the standard data on Clients, engagements and more can be tagged with custom fields, and once tagged this information can be used for workflows, or to build insights through reporting. Custom fields are for Premium and Enterprise accounts only.

Custom fields can be centrally managed from Global Settings, and then applied when interacting with engagement templates, client coachees and more. These fields can be used to store important details, or to pass information between coaches and administrators. The custom fields are viewable throughout the platform, like in reporting, and really come together within engagements for coach and admin access.

Whats included in this release?

The 1.0 version of Custom Fields will offer two custom field types, which include Multi-select, and Open Text. Custom fields can be applied to the following components of

  • Engagements

  • Engagement Templates

  • Client Coachees

  • Employees

Enhancements to Calendar Integrations

The previous release notes had details around enhancements to calendar functionality. The details are worth reiterating here as there are significant improvements in the platform.

Ensuring coaches can effortlessly schedule and manage sessions and discovery calls with clients is of paramount importance. In late 2023, a revamped iteration of Nylas, named NylasV3, was introduced. Following the rollout of NylasV3, we've collected feedback on areas ripe for further improvement. These enhancements span across different facets, such as providing administrators with added controls and addressing specific issues.

For the full details please follow the link below.

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