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Coach Matching for Coachees
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Written by Admin
Updated over 2 years ago

Admins are able to create coach matching engagements for coachees. Admins are able to create pools of coaches or suggest specific coaches and offer them to coachees. This will allow the coachee to select the coach that they would like to work with for the duration of their engagement.

View Coach Profiles

  • Log in to the app at

  • Make sure you’re on the Coach Selection page.

  • Click View Profile to read the coach’s profile.

Schedule an Interview with a Coach

If the coach in your pool has a synced calendar, there will be an option to Schedule Interview.

  • Click Schedule on your desired coach.

  • Choose a date and time for an interview.

Once you schedule your interview you will have the option to reschedule it for a different date or time. You will receive an email notification of the scheduled chemistry interview.

Request an Interview

If the coach in your pool does not have a synced calendar, their availability will not be shown. However, you will be able to Request Times with your desired coach.

  • Click Request Times on your desired coach.

A new modal will pop up where you can insert a memo to the coach to request times that are suitable for you.

When you have finished typing your memo, click Request. This request will send a notification to the coach. This action will also automatically populate a chat message to begin corresponding with the coach if desired.

The coach will review your memo on your desired times. Next, the coach will Suggest 3 different time slots for you to review. The coach will submit three different time slots which the coachee will be notified of both via email notification and in-app notification.

The Interviews tab within the Coach Matching engagement will reveal the suggested times offered by the coach. The coachee will then be able to select one of three suggested times or, if none are applicable, can repeat the process by selecting Request New Times.

Upon selecting a time slot, the coachee will be asked to confirm their selection by selecting Confirm Schedule.

Once confirmed, both the coachee and the coach will receive an email notification of the scheduled chemistry session along with an .ICS file to populate on their desired calendar. Once your coach selection is approved, the engagement will begin.

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