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Invite and Manage Your Clients
Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over 2 years ago

Invite Your Clients to Connect

If you are a company account that sells coaching services (vendor) adding a client is a very easy process.

  • From your Clients page click Create New.

  • Select the type of client: Admins can choose from an individual client or a client company.

Note: If you do not invite the client or skip the point of contact for a client company these will create internal records. This means you will have complete admin control over these records. Once you invite a user or POC for a client company they will become the owner of that file.

Directly Contracted Coachees

To work with a directly contracted coachee you must invite them first.

  • From your Clients page click Create New.

  • Click Individual Client and fill out their email and information.

  • Click Invite.

Client Sponsored Coachees

If you want to request a client sponsored coachee (a company’s internal coachee) first create or connect to a Client Company and then send a request to their coachees.

  • Click on a Company from your Clients page and click the Coachees tab.

  • Click Request Coachee and select the Employee you want to coach or fill in their information.

You have the option to send an invitation or immediately create an internal record of the client.

  • If you don’t want to send the invitation now, send it later from the Client’s Profile page.

Share Coaches with Your Client Companies

When the client company is connected a coaches tab appears.
This is where the vendor can share coaches with the client, so either admin can create an engagement.

  • From your Clients page click on the connected Client Company.

  • From the Coaches tab click on Share Coach.

  • Select the Coaches you want to share and click Ok.

The client point of contact will receive a notification that you have shared a coach with them via email and in the app.

Note: You only need to share coaches with clients if you would like them to be able to create an manage engagements using your coaches.

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