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Zoom Meetings Integration
Admin avatar
Written by Admin
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Zoom is a powerful and intuitive video conference platform that is used around the world. makes it easy to integrate Zoom into your sessions through a one-time workflow that only takes a few steps. From there, every session can have a dynamic and unique meeting link for every session or interview. Never worry about the hassles of re-using links or creating new meeting links by hand.

Connecting To Your Zoom Account

It all starts by connecting your Zoom account to This is done by visiting your Calendar Settings page. From there you can start the flow by creating a new meeting location (as shown below).

The Meeting Locations dialog has a new option to "Connect Your Zoom Account". This is shown in the screenshot below.

Clicking on the "Connect Your Zoom Account" button will start up the authorization flow. This is a 2-step process, where the first step is to login to your Zoom account with standard Zoom credentials.

Once logged in, the consent screen will be presented that shows the permissions that you will allow for the integration. The permissions are simple, and allow for creating and updating meeting events in Zoom based on session scheduling activity on

Once completed, a new Default Meeting Location will appear on your Calendar Settings page.

When a coach updates their default meeting location in, the system will only update session locations for video sessions that are not currently scheduled. Any sessions that have already been scheduled will retain their existing location and will not be automatically updated.

Scheduling Sessions Using Zoom as the Session Location

Zoom can then be used as the location for sessions within engagement templates, and then also be used for the location of sessions within live engagements (as shown below).

Meeting invitations for the coach and coachee will include the Zoom meeting link as the location.

Setting Geo Locations for Session Calls

Coaches who use Zoom are in control of their account, and the sessions using Zoom are happening outside of's data center. Coaches who may be sensitive to where data is processed from a geography perspective have options within their Zoom accounts to control which Zoom data centers are used for the calls.

Within your Zoom account, under Settings -> General, there is a section called 'Real-time data center location". In this section there are a number of countries listed, with a checkbox next to each. Simply check the boxes of the countries that are in the areas in which you approve for the real-time data to be stored.

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