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Release Notes September 2022 - Get Insights, Drive Outcomes with TruScore 360 Assessments on
Release Notes September 2022 - Get Insights, Drive Outcomes with TruScore 360 Assessments on
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Written by Admin
Updated over 2 years ago


The release of TruScore 360 Assessments represents a significant enhancement to the platform. TruScore is a publisher in the coaching and leadership space that provides 360 assessments. 360 assessments are a tool for individuals to gather feedback from those around them to help drive awareness in their weaknesses and strengths. This awareness can then drive positive change in terms of the behaviors, by strengthening their best qualities, and shoring up their weaknesses to create new foundations. 360 assessments are a core tool for coaches to gain insights with clients to help shape future steps and drive positive outcomes.

We are very excited to be launching this partnership with TruScore. The integration is the first of its kind, by integrating 3rd party publishers in the coaching space into the platform to drive more value for our customers and their clients.

Purchasing TruScore Assessments

Coaches will be able to purchase TruScore assessments directly from Marketplace (shown below).

TruScore assessments will launch with an introductory rate of $697 (a $300 discount). This includes a TruScore 360 Certification Video, as well as 5 assessments that can be used with clients.

Once purchased, Coaches and Administrators can access their TruScore assessments via My Marketplace. My Marketplace is a home base for things that are purchased and sold on Marketplace....and this includes TruScore. A TruScore 360 Assessment card will appear after purchase.

Once purchased, Coaches and Administrators can access their TruScore assessments via My Marketplace. My Marketplace is a home base for things that are purchased and sold on Marketplace....and this includes TruScore. A TruScore 360 Assessment card will appear after purchase.

360 Administration and Certification

From here, the journey begins.

Administrators/Coaches have a Truscore 360 Assessment Dashboard from which they can see all of the details. From the dashboard administrators can launch new assessments with participants, verify statistics related to participant feedback, and generate the completed 360 reports when requirements have been met.

A TruScore 360 Certification Video comes with the first package bundle. This certification is a prerequisite to being able to administer TruScore assessments with clients. The video has 3 segments that train the coach on how to understand the data that comes back from the 360 assessment, and how to use the information in coaching sessions with the client. The certification video can be shared to other coaches within a business account or enterprise.

Launching Assessments

360 Assessments can be launched from the My Marketplace card, or from within Administrator Dashboard. A short wizard guides the coach or admin through the steps to setup the participant (client) with their own assessment.

Assessment Types

There are 3 different assessment types depending on the participants role or experience level:

  • Individual Contributor

  • Manager

  • Senior Leader

Participants will be asked to solicit feedback from raters. Raters represent the personal relationship that the participant has with individuals. For example, this may include current or former Managers, Peers, Direct Reports, or Others.

Managing the Assessments

Once an assessment is launched, the participant will receive a notification and be invited to start inviting raters for feedback (This is shown later in this guide). The administrator has a key role in monitoring the progress of the assessments, and is responsible for generating the report when rater criteria has been met.

Each assessment in the assessments table for the admin, has some options for managing certain aspects and having visibility to the status.

Rater Summary

  • Shows the rater statistics for the assessment (This is shown below)

Generate Report

  • When the requirements have been met in terms of rater feedback, the administrator will use this option to generate the final 360 assessment report.

Edit Details

  • Allows for updating the project name, and deadline for the assessment

Message Participant

  • Opens the messaging/chat dialog for communicating with the participant

Rater Summary

The coach or administrator check on the status of rater response as it relates to the requirements for the assessment type. The examples on the right are for a Senior Leader, showing that there are suggested minimum requirements for Managers, Peers, Direct Reports, and Others.

In the top example, none of the raters have submitted their response for the assessment yet. For example looking at Direct Reports. 3 is the suggested minimum number of rater responses, but 0 has been submitted so far.

In the second example, the rings are complete. All of the raters have submitted their assessment ratings, and the suggested minimal requirements have been met. This is the ideal case, in which there is a rich set of responses to make for a complete assessment report.

Generating a Report

The 2nd example above for Rater Summaries represents the ideal case that coaches and administrators should strive for before generating a report. Although, there are times where it is viable to generate a report without all of the rater feedback. This should be avoided if possible to make the report more complete, and help with anonymizing the data to a higher degree.

The absolute minimums to generate a report are:

  • At least 1 self survey

  • At least 3 Rater surveys if any one of those surveys is from a direct report

  • At least 2 Rater surveys as long as none of them are from Direct Reports. (i.e. peers or others)

Clicking 'Generate Report' will create a new Global Resource for the administrator or coach. Also, a new option will be available in the Assessments Dashboard to be able to navigate to the report.

Generated reports will ONLY be viewable to coaches or administrators who have completed the Certification Video. The report can be shared with a coach in the account, or with the client whenever needed. The TruScore 360 Assessment includes the following training tools and sections:

  • How to Approach the Results

  • The Importance of Your Feedback

  • Highest Competencies

  • Gap Analysis

  • Comparison of Competency Scores by Rater Types (including the Self-Assessment)

  • Overall Scores

An example of the Assessment Report is shown below.

Coachee / Participant Workflow

A coachee, or 360 participants, will receive an email and in-app notification when they have been invited to be a part of an assessment. The participant will be be instructed on taking a self-assessment, as well as adding raters (shown below).

After the participant fills in raters, a visual indicator will be presented showing the status in terms of meeting the recommended rater minimums. As the rater responses come in, the participant will be able to see the same rater response status as the coach or admin.

Sharing and Reviewing the Report with the Coachee/Participant

When ready, the coach or admin can share the generated report with the coachee or participant. The information and dialog can be shared as a part of a coaching session on the platform.

From here, the training from the TruScore Certification Video comes to life. The coach will be well versed with the key concepts in the assessment, and will now have a 360-degree picture of feedback from raters on the client. The information in the report can be used to lean into the broad themes as well as the finer details to help facilitate productive coaching sessions with the client.

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